Experiences of a student with a visual impairment transitioning to higher education A narrative inquiry

Man talking with volunteer

A narrative inquiry was conducted with one participant purposively sampled due to being certified severely sight impaired. Data were collected using a semistructured interview, and analysed by creating narrative threads within Clandinin and Connelly’sthree-dimensional framework. The social influence of role models, peers, and staff were noted in relation to their impact on confidence and feeling… Continue Reading Experiences of a student with a visual impairment transitioning to higher education A narrative inquiry

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Turning a blind eye? Removing barriers to science and mathematics education for students with visual impairments

Man talking with volunteer

the current study was conducted to explore how students with VI’s access to and learning of science and mathematics can be improved within the mainstream context. Two interviews were conducted with qualified teachers of children and young people with vision impairment (QTVIs), revealing the importance of classroom adaptations, such as hands-on experience and increased lesson… Continue Reading Turning a blind eye? Removing barriers to science and mathematics education for students with visual impairments

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Developing an inclusive learning environment for students with visual impairment in higher education: progressive mutual accommodation and learner experiences in the United Kingdom

Man talking with volunteer

Drawing on the findings of a unique longitudinal qualitative study, this article investigates the experiences of 32 young people with visual impairment (VI) in higher education (HE) in the United Kingdom (UK) to explore how well they were able to participate on their courses.

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Lost in Transition? The post-school experiences of young people with vision impairment

Man talking with volunteer

Drawing upon almost 1,000 interviews with the young people, this report provides an overview of the key research findings as well as final outcomes for 53 participants who were still involved at the end of the study. This includes the identification of a number of enablers and barriers which impact upon the inclusion of young… Continue Reading Lost in Transition? The post-school experiences of young people with vision impairment

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