Work and Health Programme statistics to November 2022


This is the latest quarterly release of experimental statistics on the Work and Health Programme and includes data up to November 2022.

Statistics covered in this publication include data covering the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. The measures taken during the earlier months of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on the delivery of the WHP and on its performance resulting in lower numbers of referrals.

During the COVID-19 pandemic up until May 2022, mandatory referrals to the WHP for the Long-term Unemployed (LTU) group were suspended. However, some WHP places were available if a Jobcentre Plus work coach considered this to be beneficial for a claimant. At the end of October 2022 they were suspended again. The labour market employment support landscape has changed with the launch of the ‘Plan for Jobs’, including the Restart Scheme. From November 2022 any LTU, defined as 9 months unemployed, will be considered for the Restart Scheme first.

The pandemic had a significant impact on the labour market. Some employment sectors were unable to recruit and job opportunities were significantly reduced, however, as some employment sectors re-opened and new sectors emerged there was an increase in vacancies. This context should be considered when assessing the success or timeliness of outcomes from the programme in relation to this period.

These are the latest statistics for the Work and Health Programme until the next release on 25 May 2023.

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Department for Work and Pension, United Kingdom

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Department for Work and Pension, United Kingdom

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Department for Works & Pensions. (2023). Work and Health Programme statistics to November 2022.

Country of Publication:

United Kingdom



Countries of Subject Matter:

United Kingdom



Research Report